Support from FASE's Education Technology Office

Quercus End-of-Term Checklist for Instructors

Updated on

Use this 5-step list to complete some end-of-term tasks for record-keeping and to manage student or TA/course staff access to your Quercus course after the end of the course lifecycle (1 month after the session end)

For a timeline of events for Quercus course and a list of suggested tasks for each point in that timeline, review the Quercus Course Life Cyle information. 

Planning to re-use your course again in the future? You don't need to rebuild! You can export your course and import it into a new course (see how do I export a course?). While not everything is included in this course copy, the majority of the structure is and will save you the time for rebuilding.

Quercus End-of-Term Checklist

If you have additional questions about end-of-term tasks for your Quercus course, email us at or schedule a consultation. 

You are done. Great job!

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