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How can I create sections in a Quercus course?

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Sections are a tool you can use to help you differentiate communication, assessment, and grading for different sections of your students (e.g., tutorials, labs, groups).

This guide will outline the ways you can create sections in your course. For information on the different ways that sections can be used effectively in your course, please refer to our guide: How can I use sections in a Quercus course?

1. Cross-listing (combining) multiple courses in Quercus.

If your course has multiple sections (such as multiple lecture, tutorial, practicum, or lab sections), by default, each section will be synced to Quercus as a separate course. To combine these sections into one course, you will need to cross-list (combine) the courses.

For more information, refer to our guide:  How do I cross-list (combine) my courses?

2. Cloning sections from groups.

You may want to create sections from course groups you have created. For example, if you want to assign specific due dates or announcements for student groups, the UT Advanced Group Tool (UTAGT), includes a function for cloning groups to sections and updating them if changes are made.

For more information, refer to the Clone Groups to Sections using UT Advanced Group Tool section in our guide How can I assign multiple versions of a quiz to different groups of students?

Note: For sections cloned from groups, you will need to regularly update the section membership with the UTAGT as students add and drop from your course. For more information on the steps to this, refer to this section in our guide: Update group membership.

3. Manually creating sections in your course.

You can also manually create sections and assign students to these sections. You will first create the sections in the sections view in the settings page. Then, in the people view, click the three dots beside each student and click edit sections to move them into the desired section.

This method will take longer, but may be the simpler option for a smaller course. For example, if you have a research course with ten students and want to split them into three sections for their research groups, creating these sections manually may be the best option.

For additional information, refer to the following Canvas instructor guide: How do I add a section to a course as an instructor?

Note: For manually created sections, you will need to regularly update the section membership manually as students add and drop from your course. If students drop your course, but have not been manually removed from any sections they have been added to, they will continue to have access to your course in Quercus.

Previous Article How can I use sections in a Quercus course?
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