Cross-listing allows Instructors to combine the enrollments from multiple sections into a single course. Instructors who teach multiple sections of the same course (such as multiple lecture, tutorial, practicum, or lab sections) may wish to use cross-listing to merge these sections into one course and only manage a single course's content and grades. For more information review the full guide on cross-listing.
A couple of notes before you cross-list:
- The parent/main course name will remain as the course name that everyone will see.
- Cross-listing works best for courses that have the same content, assignments and due dates.
- This process should be completed before the school year starts. If you decide to decross-list later, it will remove any student interactions, submissions and activity that have been completed.
- After sections have been cross-listed into one course the Instructor and others can filter many areas by the original section information.
If at any point you do want to decross-list, this process will have be completed by the FASE Education Technology Office. Please contact the EdTech office via email: [email protected] or on the Enterprise Service Center page.
In order to cross list, you will need to:
- Navigate to your Quercus Course.
- Copy the Course ID of the parent/main course that will ingest the children courses
- Navigate to each of the child courses to cross list them into the parent course.
- Navigate to Sections via Course Settings.
- Select "Cross-List this Section".
- Cross-list child and parent course.
- Confirm that your course has been cross-listed.
Prefer to watch a video?
This video from UTM's documentation on cross-listing contains a demonstration of cross-listing in Quercus and also explains cross-listing and describes the terminology, benefits, considerations and potential issues.
1. Navigate to your Quercus Course.
- Log into Quercus (see How to Login to Quercus for more information).
- On your Dashboard, select the main parent course that will ingest the child course (if you cannot see your course, tutorial, or practical see What should I do if I can't see my courses?)
** In this example, the Lecture is the parent course, and the Practical is the child course.
2. Copy the Course ID of the parent/main course.
- In your browser URL bar, take note and copy down the number located in the URL. This is the course ID. In this example, the course ID is: 82763
3. Navigate to Child Course.

Leave the parent course and navigate to the course that will become part of the parent course.
- Navigate to your Dashboard, find child course. ** In this example, the Practical is the child course.
- Click on child course to enter it.
4. Navigate to Section via Settings.

- In the Course menu, navigate to Settings,
- And choose the Sections tab.
- Click the title of the section you would like to cross-list.
- Once you have entered the section, on the right hand side select the "Cross-List this Section" button.
6. Cross-list child and parent course

- When the dialogue box opens, enter in the parent course ID (copied from earlier) into the "Or Enter the Course's ID" box, and press enter or return on your keyboard.
- Once you press enter on your keyboard, the name of the parent course should show here. Ensure that the course listed here is the parent course.
- If the course is correct, then select "Cross-List This Section".
7. Confirm that your course has been cross-listed

- In Quercus, navigate back to your parent course.
- In the course menu, select Settings,
- And then Sections.
- Under Course Sections, you should see your newly cross-listed section!
- To continue cross listing more sections into the same parent course, follow steps 3 to 10.