You can select to upload an image for your course at any time. This is most often used when courses have been crosslisted together and the teaching team wants to communicate to students that all the courses have been merged into one lecture section (that might be different than what it says for them on ACORN).
Before you begin, please ensure that you've logged into Quercus.
In this tutorial, we'll go transform your basic course card into one with an personalized image:

1. Open the course you'd like to upload an image for.
In this tutorial, we will be replacing the default blank colour card for the course, "TEAL Fellowship."
- Select on the course to enter it.
- If you do not see your course on your Dashboard, use "All Courses" to view all the courses in which you have a current active enrollment.
The colours assigned to the course cards are dependent on the user. What is purple for one account could be orange for another. Try not to describe your course by colour, as this will likely not match what the students see.
2. Create the Image.

The perfect size for your dashboard card's image is 265px wide by 150px high. Images that are not this size will be automatically re-sized and can lead to distortion.
3. Upload an image for your course.
- Select on Settings on your Course Menu,
- Select on the Course Details Tab.
- Select the Choose Image button and browse to find the image you've created.
4. Review your selected image.

Why add "All Sections"? If you have cross-listed multiple course sections together, you might have noticed that all students are now enrolled in one section. This can be confusing to students who see "SEC03" on ROSI but "SEC01" on Quercus. By noting clearly that this course shell is for all sections of the course, students are reassured that they are in the right spot.
5. Save the changes via the "Update the Course Details" button.

- If you are happy with the image, make sure that you save your changes before leaving the settings page.