What-If Grades allow students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for assignments. Students can view their grades based on What-If scores so that they can predict how their grades will be affected by upcoming or resubmitted assignments. They can test scores for an assignment that already includes a grade, or an assignment that has yet to be graded.
What-if Grades can be accessed through the Grades area, and only students can enter and view What-If scores.
Although students have the ability to enter in hypothetical grades, this does not affect their real grades as assigned by the Teaching Team.
How can a student change their "what-if" scores?
On the Grades page, a short description about "what-if" scores is available.
- By selecting Grades, students will be able to view their grades for each assignment or quiz assigned.
- To change their "what-if" score, students can click an assignment grade and enter a new hypothetical grade in the score column.
How can a student reset their "what if" scores?

There are two ways for a student to reset their "what-if" scores:
- Once a student is finished calculating their grade they can revert back to their actual course grade by clicking the "Revert to Actual Scores" button.
- Or, by simply hitting the refresh button on their browser (location of refresh button varies from browser to browser).