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What are "What-if" Scores?

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What-If Grades allow students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for assignments. Students can view their grades based on What-If scores so that they can predict how their grades will be affected by upcoming or resubmitted assignments. They can test scores for an assignment that already includes a grade, or an assignment that has yet to be graded.

What-if Grades can be accessed through the Grades area, and only students can enter and view What-If scores.

Although students have the ability to enter in hypothetical grades, this does not affect their real grades as assigned by the Teaching Team.

How can a student change their "what-if" scores?

On the Grades page, a short description about "what-if" scores is available.

  1. By selecting Grades, students will be able to view their grades for each assignment or quiz assigned.
  2. To change their "what-if" score, students can click an assignment grade and enter a new hypothetical grade in the score column.

How can a student reset their "what if" scores?

There are two ways for a student to reset their "what-if" scores:

  1. Once a student is finished calculating their grade they can revert back to their actual course grade by clicking the "Revert to Actual Scores" button.
  2. Or, by simply hitting the refresh button on their browser (location of refresh button varies from browser to browser).
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