Quiz restrictions are optional and used if you want to proctor a quiz. The Teaching Team can restrict the quiz so it can only be taken in specific situations. By default, these options are never selected.
The Teaching Team can require students to enter an access code or password, or they can filter IP Addresses allowing only computers (or a specific computer lab) with a certain IP address to access the quiz.
1. In the Quiz options, navigate to "Quiz Restrictions"

- Require an Access code - Students have to put in a password in order to access and take quiz.
- Filter IP Addresses - Requires students to take quiz from specific location, eg. a computer lab. Using this setting will require your students to be on-campus and can be used to prevent students from accessing the quiz unless they are taking it from a specific IP address. Note: IP Filters can be a comma-separated list of addresses, or an address followed by a mask (i.e., or For more information on these masks, view the IP Filtering in Canvas PDF.