In Quercus, the Quizzes tool allows you to create a quiz, to test students' learning, both for summative and formative assessments, or a survey, which can be used to collect non graded feedback from students.
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Should I use Classic or New Quizzes? Classic Quizzes is recommended for high stakes assessments; this guide details the Classic Quiz interface.
1. Navigate to Quizzes to create a Quiz or Survey
- In your Quercus course, navigate to Quizzes.
Note: This option may be greyed out, meaning that it has no contents, or is unavailable for students to access. To make this option available in your menu for students to view, please see How to Modify the Menu Items on your Course Menu
2. To create a quiz, select +Quiz.
1.1. Select the type of quiz (e.g. ungraded/graded, quiz/survey)
You can choose which type of quiz to create (see more details on what types of quizzes you can create).
2. Add Information about your Quiz or Survey
- Add a title for the Assessment.
- Create any instructions for the Quiz in the Rich Content Editor, including: formatted text, images, video, or sample math equations. You can also insert: Links to other course items, new Files, such as PDFs, or Images.
Important! The description of a quiz is available to students BEFORE the release date. Anything you add to this field (e.g. a PDF to questions, etc.) will be visible as soon as you publish the quiz. If you'd like to add a PDF, create a question, and then attach the PDF to that question.
3. Continue building your quiz
To add questions to your quiz, see how do I add questions to a quiz?