20 Articles
- How can I create a Quiz or Survey?
- What types of quizzes or surveys can I create in a course?
- How can I add a time limit for my quiz?
- How can I allow for multiple quiz attempts?
- What quiz restrictions can I set?
- How can I randomize my quiz?
- How do I set a quiz due dates/availability for course sections or specific students?
- How can I hide a quiz that I am currently working on from students?
- How can I add quiz questions?
- What types of questions are available in a quiz?
- Can I create a quiz that displays one question at a time?
- How can I view my quiz as a student?
- How can students see their quiz responses and correct answers?
- How can I add more quiz attempts for a specific student after the quiz has started?
- What Quiz analytics can I see?
- How do I use the formula quiz question?
- How can I copy a quiz without a question bank from one course to another?
- How can I copy a quiz with a linked question bank from one course to another?
- How can I assign multiple versions of a quiz to different groups of students?
- How to time release assessments (using module requirements)