Support from FASE's Education Technology Office

How do I enroll a guest account in my course?

Updated on

You can add QQ guest accounts using the same process that you would enroll other people (like your Teaching Assistants) (see How do I add users to a course?) via the People course link.

Don't have a guest account? You can request a temporary guest QQ account for external users. This is a good way to provide access to your course for non-U of T affiliated people and could also be used for activities that require more intensive testing.

2. Select the "+People" button

3. Select "LoginID" and paste in your QQ accounts.

  1. Ensure that "LoginId" radio button is selected.
  2. Select "Next" button to complete the task.

QQ Accounts do not receive automatic Quercus notifications. You will need to email them directly to let them know how to login (go to If you'd like for them to receive emails, they can add an additional email address to their Quercus profile to get them going forward.

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