This guide details on how to add interactive features such as Callouts and Microsoft Forms to a Stream video.
You can create more engaging Stream videos by incorporating interactive features like MS Forms and Callouts.
Adding MS Forms allows you to gather feedback, conduct quizzes and polls, and engage your viewers more effectively. When viewers watch the video, they are prompted to respond to questions which are set up in MS Forms in advance. The results are saved in MS Forms and can be reviewed by the teaching team.
By integrating Callouts, you can highlight key points, provide instructions, and share essential links anywhere in the video.
Microsoft Forms interactivity available for Stream videos allows creating more engaging and interactive content for viewers:
1. Create or use existing Quiz/Form in Microsoft Forms
1.1. Create Quiz/Form in Microsoft Forms
If you haven't created your MS Form or Quiz yet, follow these steps:
- Go to to access Microsoft Forms.
- Select New Quiz button if you want to create a new Quiz where students can select the correct answer and receive immediate feedback on incorrect answers.
- Select New Form button if you want to create a new Form to collect general feedback which is not graded as right or wrong.
1.2. Name your Quiz or Form
- Add the name and description (optional) to your Quiz or Form.
If you will be adding multiple quizzes, it is recommended that you name the quiz with the video title as well as giving it a unique identifier for the quiz. You might consider including the time code of where it should be in the video (if known).
1.3. Add your questions
You can add a variety of different quiz question types; this example depicts a multiple choice question.
1.3.1. Select question type

- Select +Add new button to add a question to your form.
- Select your question type (e.g., Choice option to add a multiple choice question).

- Add the question and multiple choice options.
- Indicate the correct answer.
- Add a comment to the correct answer (you can also add comments to incorrect answers).
- Indicate points for the correct answer (optional)
- Indicate whether this is a Math question.
- Indicate whether this is a Multiple answer question.
- Indicate whether this is a Required question.
- Use the + Add new button to add another question.
Read more about creating MS Quiz and Form:
1.4. Copy the link to your Microsoft Form
- Select Collect Responses button.
- Specify the settings of form:
- Select who can respond (anyone, only people in U of T, specific people in U of T).
- For anonymous responses, deselect the 'Record name' option.
- To allow only one response, select the 'One response per person' option.
- Select Copy link button.
2. Add the form to your Stream video
2.1. Access Stream video
- Go to to access Stream app.
- Navigate to your video and select it to open.
If you have not uploaded your video to Stream yet, see How to upload videos to Stream (on SharePoint).
2.2. Add MS Form Interactivity
- Select Interactivity option from the right-hand side menu.
- Select +Add new button.
- Select Add form.
2.3. Insert your MS form into the Stream video
- Insert the link to your Microsoft Form copied in Step 1.2.
- Specify the timestrap where you would like to insert the form.
- Select the check mark icon to save the changes.
2.4. Confirm that the quiz was added to the timeline
- Your timeline should now show an Forms icon that indicates where the quiz was added to the timeline. Depending on the number of quiz/forms added, you might have multiple Forms icons on your timeline.
2.5. Review the inserted Quiz/Form in the context of your video
The inserted form will open at the timestrap you set in Step 2.3.
- The viewer will need to select the Continue to video button to close the form. Even if you make the question required on the Quiz/Form, the viewer will be able to skip the assessment and return to the video.
Please note that viewers are aware of upcoming quizzes via the Interactivity tab and they can take these quizzes without watching the video.
Callouts are interactive and customizable elements that can be placed anywhere within your Stream video. They enable you to add text or hyperlinks at specific moments, helping to highlight key points, offer additional context, or direct viewers to other resources.
1. Access Stream video
- Go to to access Stream app.
- Navigate to your video and select it to open.
If you have not uploaded your video to Stream yet, see How to upload videos to Stream (on SharePoint).
2. Add Callout Interactivity

- Select Interactivity option from the right-hand side menu.
- Select +Add new button.
- Select Add callout.
3. Set up your Callout
- Add text or link for the callout in the box overlaid on top of the video. Links include in the Callout will be clickable to your viewers.
- You can move the callout to a different spot on the video by clicking on the callout and dragging it to a different placement.
- Select the color for your callout (optional).
- Set the Start and End time for the callout.
- This will be when the callout shows up for viewers watching the video and when it goes away.
- Add a document to the callout from your OneDrive or SharePoint (optional).
- Tip: start typing the name of the document for it to populate in the list, then select Add button.
- Select Check mark button to save your changes.
You can insert as many callouts in the video as necessary.
4. Review the inserted Callouts
The inserted callout will appear between the Start and End timestraps you set in Step 3.
- If you add a link or a file (from OneDrive or SharePoint) to the callout, viewers will be able to click on the link to access it in a new tab.
Note that for live links, only bare URLs are supported. A URL cannot be embedded into descriptive text.