In order to create optimal video content, you need to consider how it will be watched after production. Typically, projectors operate at a 4:3 ratio (though this is changing), so the default slide size reflects this ratio. However, most video playback devices are now in a widescreen format, which is a 16:9 ratio. In general, we recommend using the 16:9 ratio for video production.
In this guide:

Examples of different content production ratios on different devices

4:3 Ratio vs 16:9 Ratio in Powerpoint

How to Change your Display Ratio
You can make Powerpoint work for you, instead of against you. The default ratio for a Powerpoint presentation is 4:3. However, the default ratio of widescreen video is 16:9. (You can see how the outline is shaped more like a square in the 4:3 example versus the more rectangle in the 16:9 ratio example.
Change your slide size at the beginning - you can do it at any time, but changing it once content has been created and designed can be finicky and time consuming.

- Make sure you are on the Design tab.
- Select on the "Page Set Up" button.
- Use the drop down "Slides sized for:" to change your ratio from the default (4:3) to widescreen (16:9).
- Scroll for the 16:9 option.
- Select on okay.
Your slide should change sizes based on your selection.
You can easily switch back and forth depending on what your task and goals are - however, this bears some testing as templates and images can stretch unexpectedly.