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How do I connect my Quercus course to Crowdmark?
Updated onArticleTeaching with Technology Resources Assessments (quizzes, tests, final assessments, etc) Consider using Crowdmark
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Is there a Quercus course template that I can download?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Quercus Templates
How can I use sections in a Quercus course?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Sections
How can I create sections in a Quercus course?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Sections
How can I verify that I'm using a UofT-licensed Zoom account?
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Review of in-person Lecture Capture options
Updated onArticleTeaching with Technology Resources Self-Capturing (Video/Screen Captures, Filming-at-home videos, etc.) Self-lecture capture of in-person teaching activities (e.g., lectures, tutorials)
How can I add Microsoft Forms and Callouts to a video in MS Stream?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft Stream
Setting up your physical recording space
Updated onArticleTeaching with Technology Resources Self-Capturing (Video/Screen Captures, Filming-at-home videos, etc.) Creating video content
How to create a playlist for Stream videos
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft Stream
How do I set my own start and/or end date(s) on a course?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Administration