General Formatting
Feedback in this section may be relevant across multiple elements. I know we're holding on doing real design changes until things are more finalized, but hoping it's possible to do some quick formatting just to make things a bit easier to read/use.
Add Borders to visuals

- Add borders. While I don't want you to spend too much time on the design right now (the focus is the data), I do need to see some formatting to better understand the dashboard. Is it possible to add some simple borders to the visual elements? This would give some sense of grouping/etc. It would be helpful to have the splicers grouped without on area, too.
Page Filter Functionality

- Term: Before selection, all applicable data should show. There should be an option here for "all terms." The idea here is that I'll limit the data on each page based on the query I'm making at that moment in time.
- Session_ID: This pick list is difficult to use; could it be functional in another? It should allow for multiple selections in an intuitive way. Could it fly open? Like a dialog/window?
Timeline time segment indicator vertical lines

- It would be helpful to have the time indicator lines across the observations to make it easier to see. Below is how BORIS exports the timeline; it doesn't have to be exact, but this is what I mean:
2. The distance between the time markers does not appear to be equal - e.g., 10:00 to 15:00. 15 to 20 is smaller than 35 to 40. These need to be precise because we're using time as an objective measurement and using the eye to see differences in the chunks. If they are not precise, they are not reliable.
Remove any TE coding for tool visualizations

- TE is coding for technical issues. It should not be included as a tool in visuals (it's not the same as IM, TI, DI, etc.). TE should be displayed as it's own visual and in summary tables. TE also likely has comments.
Count of tool > Where does the state come from?
I'm surprised to see DT coded with RG; where are you getting the co-occurring state value from? Are you checking tool coding against the focal actor? The relationship reflected here needs to be focal actor using the tool + focal actor's co-occurring states. It muddies the data if for example Banana uses a DT while Lemon is regrouping, because this isn't accurate to how the tool was used in the class. Is the tool count inflated because it's counted for each co-occurring state?
Colours for visuals

For text version, see ColourBlindSafePalettes.docx. The word doc will allow you to copy the colour hex codes/etc instead of re-typing them. I would like to assign colour codes to Instructors, Students, and other roles consistently across the visualizations. Suggesting:
- Instructors - Blue
- Students - Orange
- All other roles - Reddish Purple
Tool use (project-level)
Course_id: Filter Type

I'm curious about the selection of the button splicer. Why not use checkboxes? I find this functionality confusing because it's harder to make multiple selections and to see what is selected/not selected.
Tool: All Filter

- Tool list is incomplete. I suspect you're using the column in the ethogram to display tools here (using the built-in or brought-in category). However, you need to be careful here - there's other tool categories and there are other tools included in the observation. This is an example of where the mock up was not broad enough; I want you to flag this type of issue when you spot it. I would suggest removing the category for now and adding all tools observed in the observations for this splicer (or, you need to grab the other categories on the ethogram).
- Select all should check all boxes. When I select this box, nothing happens to the other pick uptions (they remind unchecked). This is unexpected functionality; when I check this box, I should see this reflected in all the checkboxes, or else I don't have confidence that all the tools will show. This should be part of one pick menu, not separate elements.
Tool use (Course Level)_1
Broken Graph: Count of tool by built-in or brought-in

- Count of tool by built.. - This visual has no data when a tool is selected (e.g., for this screenshot, I selected TI). This should display how many times the timer used was built-in or brought-in (so it could be 100% one or the other).
Broken Graph: Count of tool by session

- Count of tool by session - This visual has no data when a tool is selected (e.g., for this screenshot, I selected TI). This display should show a count of tool use per session.
Data Mismatch: Timeline (ALC01 Session 01 PowerBI vs BORIS)
PowerBI Timeline (as of 17DEC2024):
BORIS Time plot (as of 17DEC2024):
- Is Session 01 for PowerBI this January 16, 2023 course data? There are discrepancies that jump out immediately for the last five minutes of class (e.g., there's no IND at the end, which is on PowerBI but not on BORIS).