Support from FASE's Education Technology Office

How can I report MyMedia video playback issues?

Updated on

MyMedia is a video hosting and archive platform for the University of Toronto's media content. You can upload both video and audio files to MyMedia. If you or your students are experiencing technical issues with content that you've shared on MyMedia (i.e., with video content access or with video playback), please ask them to follow the steps below.

1. Students can contact the Information Commons Helpdesk ([email protected])

Please direct your students to contact the Information Commons Helpdesk at [email protected] to report the issue.

2. Students should provide as much information as possible to the Helpdesk

In their email to [email protected] , students should include as much information as possible, including:

  1. the URL of the video they are trying to access,
  2. their location,
  3. if they are using a VPN and which one,
  4. their IP address, and
  5. as many other details as possible to help resolve the issue (e.g., what time they were accessing the video, if other streaming services were working, etc.)
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