This guide provides instructions on how to request a new MyMedia account. If you are uploading video content for a course, it might make sense (we would recommend this) to request a MyMedia account specifically for each course versus uploading video under one teaching team member's UTORid.
This option is especially helpful if you have multiple people uploading videos for one course (e.g. instructors and TAs). This allows access to see the videos regardless of who uploaded the content and it can be helpful to provide some organization to your videos by course.
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Before you begin
- Navigate to the MyMedia homepage.
1. Email the MyMedia support team to request a new MyMedia account.
When creating a new account, you should provide the following in your request:
- Primary contact email. This email will receive updates of the account and will be the main point person on the account so it should be someone who will be remaining with the course for a long time.
- Username for account. Consider using the course code as the username (e.g. "ECE241"), but do not include any term or year information. You'll likely want to use the account from year to year. This account information might appear publicly (as the video's uploading account).

- Use the information provided near the login to request a personlized MyMeda account by emailing [email protected] to request a new MyMedia account.
2. Share the account information with the project team.
Once the account is created, you can share the login information with those who will be uploading the video content. Only those who need to share or make changes to videos will need access to this information, but it can be helpful to share in case a video needs to be uploaded or replaced unexpectedly.
If the ETO is assisting your with uploading videos, please email the login credentials to [email protected].
Create a new password. You will be provided with a password when your account is created. You can change this password but try not to use an existing password (e.g. your UTORid password).
3. Once created, login with the new account to upload content.
- Navigate to the MyMedia homepage to upload videos, as per usual.
If you are using MyMedia to screencapture content, you might also consider using this account to do that, instead of your personal account (for all the same reasons).