This guide is an overview of the equipment used in the EdTech Office's studio space. We use high quality equipment, while balancing cost. While shared here are some more expensive options, if you are investigating setting up your own lightboard set up, there are some elements that you might be able to purchase lower cost options. In general, we recommend buying the best camera (see other camera options) and microphone that works for your budget.
- Revolution Lightboard (approximately $8700) (See all Revolution Lightboard products; ours seems to be an older version)

Camera and Accessories
- Camera (Canon XA10 - Similar) with remote
- Polarizer Filter
- Tripod
- Headphones (wired over ear headphones preferred; used by camera person to confirm sound)
- Wireless Lavalier Microphone (Transmitter and Receiver) (Sennheiser)
- Front Lights (2)
- Side Lights (Similar) (2)
- Ceiling Light (1)
- Diffusion Lighting Filter
- Telescopic Back Drop Holder
- Black Muslin Backdrop
- Clamps (to hold back drop)
- Markers
- Surface Cleaner
- Cleaning Rags (Shammy cloths)
- Cleaning Solution (Rubbing alcohol is best; vinegar is ok)
- Sandbags
Optional Hardware
- Teleprompter
- Switcher (when applicable)
- Encoder (when applicable)
- Laptop (when applicable)
- Reference Monitor (when applicable)