Support from FASE's Education Technology Office

Will Students be recorded?

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In general, students will not be visible in the recordings. However, it is recommended that a section be added to your course syllabus to explain how this will work. This is also a good chance to explain your expectations around lecture capture use (e.g., it does not replace attending in person).

It is important to consider the privacy of your students. If you plan to include students in your recording, you should read and consider the policy laid out regarding privacy considerations by CTSI. The ETO does not recommend recording student activity. The Lecture Capture Program focused on capturing instructor activity; if your class is largely active learning (or learner-focused), then we'd recommend not recording this course (or class session).

Include Lecture Capture on your Syllabus

Include descriptive text in your Syllabus about how the lecture recording will work in your class. Below is an example from CTSI:

At the request of several students, video lectures of this course will be developed and posted to the Quercus course site.  These lecture captures are intended to be used as a student study aid and are not a substitute for regular attendance.

Video recordings will only capture the instructor and the front of the classroom.  Students will not be visible on video recordings.  Your voice, however, may be captured as an audio recording if you ask a question in class.  If you have any concern about your voice being recorded, please speak to me to determine an alternative means of participating.

Video Lectures may not be reproduced or posted or shared anywhere other than the official course site and should only be used by students currently registered in the course. 

Because these lectures will be officially recorded, students may not create additional audio or video recordings without written permission from the instructor.  Permission for such recordings will not be withheld for students with accommodation needs.

Looking for more information and syllabus support? A full resource detailing this is available on the CTSI website under Audio and Video Recording of Lectures and Class Sections.

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