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How to use Mentimeter for Live Q&A
Updated onArticleTeaching with Technology Resources Synchronous Online Activities (Webinars, livestreaming, etc.) During your session
How do I add a column to the gradebook?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Gradebook
How can you help ensure the lecture capture program's success in your course?
Updated onArticleTeaching with Technology Resources Assisted-Recording (e.g. filming including on location, lightboard, chalkboard, lecture capture) Lecture Capture Program
How does lecture capture work in the classroom?
Updated onArticleTeaching with Technology Resources Assisted-Recording (e.g. filming including on location, lightboard, chalkboard, lecture capture) Lecture Capture Program
How do I access the Quercus/Canvas test environment?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Testing/Experimentation
How do I set my course's image on the Dashboard?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Administration
Set your presentation slide size to a widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft PowerPoint
How can I hide a quiz that I am currently working on from students?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Quizzes
Can I create a quiz that displays one question at a time?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Quizzes
What types of questions are available in a quiz?
Updated onArticle"How to" Technical Guides (UofT's Academic Toolbox) Quercus Quizzes