In PeerWise, each student can view a leader board, which dynamically reflects their activity in the course. The leaderboard also provides details on class participation as a whole, providing context to each student . Administrators can view an additional set of analytics that provide even more detail into student participation.
People Statistics
- Students who've contributed questions: This number reflects the total number of student question authors.
- Students who've answered questions: This number reflects the number of students that are actively participating in the course, not the number of students enrolled in the course.
- Total Number of Questions: The total number of questions available in this course.
- Total number of answers: The total number of answers submitted in the course. Each question will likely be answered several times over as students practice.
Highest Reputation Scores

Students earn reputation points in their course by:
- Question Authoring (q)
- Answering Questions (a)
- Rating Questions (r)
Students do not earn reputation based on their own activities, but based on other students' activities. For example, your reputation score will not increase if you rate a question as a three. It will increase when another student, after you, rates that question and also gives it a three. The scoring algorithm has two goals: to encourage students to contribute as early as possible and to promote high quality, fair contributions.
- This student is ranked second in their course. The table depicts the top 5. The badge lets the student know that they are top 5 in the course.