The U of T Community (e.g faculty, staff, students, teaching assistants) can create licensed University of Toronto Zoom accounts. This guide is for those who have already activated their U of T Zoom account but want to verify that they are using their U of T Zoom account (many have more than one account, e.g. a personal account, an alternate business account).
If you do not have a U of T Zoom account, you can activate your U of T-provisioned Zoom account via the U of T Zoom Portal (using your UTORid and password).
Looking for student-facing instructions to share with your class? See Prof. Parsch's one-page guide for students on how to create Zoom accounts (file attached below).
How to verify that you're using your U of T-provisioned Zoom account
If you are using your U of T Zoom account, "U of T" will be displayed as your Account Name in your Account Profile.

To confirm that you are using your U of T Zoom account, you can:
- Login to the U of T Zoom Portal
- Navigate to the "Account Profile" settings using the left sidebar menu
- View the information in "Account Name"
If this is NOT displayed, login out of your account and try signing in via the U of T Zoom Portal with your U of T credentials. This page will also allow you to activate your account, if you have not done so previously.
There are some special cases (e.g. if you used your U of T email address for a private account) in which case you have to transfer your account. These cases are explained on ARC's Zoom Information website. Note in particular “Scenario IV” and “Scenario V.”