Support from FASE's Education Technology Office

How can I verify that I'm using a UofT-licensed Zoom account?

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The U of T Community (e.g faculty, staff, students, teaching assistants) can create licensed University of Toronto Zoom accounts. This guide is for those who have already activated their U of T Zoom account but want to verify that they are using their U of T Zoom account (many have more than one account, e.g. a personal account, an alternate business account).

If you do not have a U of T Zoom account, you can activate your U of T-provisioned Zoom account via the U of T Zoom Portal (using your UTORid and password).

Looking for student-facing instructions to share with your class? See Prof. Parsch's one-page guide for students on how to create Zoom accounts (file attached below).

How to verify that you're using your U of T-provisioned Zoom account

If you are using your U of T Zoom account, "U of T" will be displayed as your Account Name in your Account Profile.

To confirm that you are using your U of T Zoom account, you can:

  1. Login to the U of T Zoom Portal
  2. Navigate to the "Account Profile" settings using the left sidebar menu
  3. View the information in "Account Name"

If this is NOT displayed, login out of your account and try signing in via the U of T Zoom Portal with your U of T credentials. This page will also allow you to activate your account, if you have not done so previously.

There are some special cases (e.g. if you used your U of T email address for a private account) in which case you have to transfer your account. These cases are explained on ARC's Zoom Information website. Note in particular “Scenario IV” and “Scenario V.”

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