Support from FASE's Education Technology Office

Mentor Tips

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What is the TEAL COP Mentorship? Each year, mentors and mentees are matched based on interests, experience, and course type. These mentorships are informal and mentee-driven, with the goal that it will help with the (re)development and implementation of your projects. If you are interested in joining the TEAL COP, please email [email protected].

Mentor's Roles and Responsibilities

  • Prioritize the mentoring session. Mentees invest time preparing for these sessions, try to prevent other demands from bumping the session from your calendar
  • Be open to sharing, experiences, mistakes, failures and lessons learned
  • Provide a safe environment in which the mentee can make mistakes without losing credibility
  • Recommend and/or create specific learning or development opportunities
  • Recognize the mentee’s strengths and areas for development
  • Be available and willing to connect to provide appropriate guidance and feedback

10 Ways to Be an Amazing Mentor

  1. Approach each mentorship differently.
  2. Set expectations together in the very beginning
  3. Take a genuine interest in your mentee as a person
  4. Know when to wait before giving advice
  5. Don’t assume anything about your mentee - - ask
  6. Be really forthcoming about mistakes you've made
  7. Celebrate their achievements
  8. Give more than you ask for
  9. Solve for the long-term
  10. Lead by example


Tips for Small Group Mentoring

  • Have group goal setting meetings with all mentees.
  • Have “themed” meetings such as topics of in-class activities, tech in the classroom, course redesign, engaging students in large classes etc. (whatever relevant to both mentee goals) as the topic for discussion. This will allow mentees to come prepared with questions for discussion.
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