This guide details on how to create a new ePortfolio in Quercus. Canvas ePortfolios allows students to share online materials inside and outside of courses. They are tied to your account, not to a specific course, which allows you to create multiple ePortofolios and to choose how you share them. ePortfolios can be set to allow private or public access.
Common uses of ePortfolios are to collect and document projects, submissions, experiences, and other work products. You can keep ePortfolios private or share with other students, instructors, and/or future employers. In Canvas, ePortfolios remain active as long as the user is in the institution’s SIS and maintains a school login.
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1. Access ePortfolios tool

- Login to Quercus.
- Select on Account.
- Select on ePortfolios.
2. Create ePortfolio
2.1. Create a new ePortfolio
If you have already created a portfolio, you will see it listed under ePortfolio tab.
You can create multiple portfolios.
- Select Create an ePortfolio button.
2.2. Name your Portfolio

- Type in a name for your Portfolio in ePortfolio Name field.
- Select Make it Public option if you would like to share the portfolio outside of Canvas/Quercus (Optional).
- Select Make ePortfolio button to generate your new Portfolio
3. Add Content to your ePortfolio
3.1. Add Sections to ePortfolio
Sections in ePortfolio have a similar functionality to a website menu. By default, the only section in the new portfolio is Home. You can add multiple sections to organize your portfolio.

- On Welcome to Your ePortfolio page, select Organize Sections
- Select Add Section
- Add Section name
- Select Done Editing
Be mindful of how many section you add and make sure that it is clearly articulated what each section contains.
Titles should be short and concise. An example of a clear section title would be "Project Plan", while a poor title would be "Final Assignment." If you have not added any sections, it will only display "Home."
3.2. Add Recent Submissions (optional)
Recent Submissions quick add function is a handy feature. If you have recently submitted work in any Quercus course, you will see it listed under Recent Submissions and will be able to add to your portfolio. You can choose which content you would like to add or modify at any time.

- Select the submission you would like to add to your portfolio
- Select Section for this submission.
- Add section name in Page Name field. This title can be slightly longer but should still be focused and explanatory.
- Select Add Page.
3.3. Edit Recent Submission page (optional)
- Select Edit this Page button to make any changes to the page.
3.4. Return to ePortfolio Dashboard.

- Once you have finished editing, select Back to Portfolio Dashboard option to go back to the ePortfolio home dashboard
4. Preview your Portfolio
When building an ePortfolio (especially while you are still learning the tool), a good practice is to review changes and make adjustments as needed. You can go to the portfolio preview page from the Welcome to Your ePortfolio page.
- Select Go to the Actual ePortfolio
4.1. View Portfolio as a public viewer

When you select Go to the Actual ePortfolio, you will be re-directed to a "logged in" view of your Portfolio (you can still see the edit indications, etc.). To view the portfolio as it will appear to public (if you decided to make it public):
- Navigate to the URL (address) bar and remove the "?view-preview" appendage. Then copy and paste the remaining address (see example of the address highlighted in yellow on the screenshot) to an incognito window in your browser or an alternate browser (you need to not be authenticated to Canvas to view the Portfolio).