After we complete a project, we like to share information about the project on our website. This can be done in a variety of ways and always relies on you (our “client”) to let us know the comfort level you have for sharing the material that has been created. This could be dependent on your funding (for example, Ontario Online funding requires that the materials be shared openly with a CC by copyright notice). However, for some materials, we don’t actually provide access to the materials themselves, but simply provide an overview as to project itself (an example of this type of listing would be Prof. Wallace’s MIE515 course – you’ll see on this page that while there is information about the project, there is no access to the content that was produced).
The purpose of this project catalogue is multi-fold. It allows us to highlight the work that the EdTech Office does and it provides access to the materials that have been created. So, where do you come in? We need you to provide some descriptive information about your project (some we know already), to allow us to create searchable and useful records of the projects.
If you would like to explore the project from which the below examples are copied, you can visit the Electromagnetic Circuits Project Page.
If you have just completed a project with the Education Technology Office, you will be asked to fill out a form that will ask you for these details. Before we send the form, we'll do our best to complete this information. It is then highly recommended that you visit your project page before completing this form so that you don't have to spend your time submitting information that we have.
Each Project is divided into separate, independent elements. These elements are:
- Project page (which is what ties together the rest of the pieces)
- Project components (which are units, modules, etc. and their overview details)
- Digital objects (which are the elements/files for each unit, for example, video URLS, graphic files, Storyline files, etc.)
- Author Information (this is details about the team that created the content not the EdTech office team)
Project Page
Quick Facts: These are marked by icons at the top of your project page. Is there something you’d like to highlight for this project? It could be the length, the number of units, if it’s content for a flipped classroom, if it’s captioned or in multiple languages really, it’s anything you think should be highlighted.

Project Description: This area contains details on your project. Why is it? Who is it for? How should people use it?

Project Components (Sub Projects): This is a listing of your modules, units or videos. Usually, we have this from your project design/tracking sheet. If we are asking you for this, it means that we’re looking for your major chapters.

Project Copyright Information: You have a variety of options when it comes to how you’d like to copyright your materials. We share the nature of this information by assigning it a Creative Commons license. Ideally, the content is available as openly as possible (which is the above CC by license). To find the right license for you, the Creative Commons has a wizard to determine the level of copyright for your materials. In addition to the CC by license, a common one to use is the CC by SA license, which is one that states that people can share and adapt the materials but not for commercial purposes.

Project Funding Information: Was this project funded? Please share the funder’s name and their website. If you did not receive funding for an external source, we would normally note that this project was funded by the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering via the Education Technology Office.

Date of Release: When was this project first released? When was it updated?

Project Team:
- Project Leads: Who led this project? Please send a photo of this person. This is usually the Academic Lead.
- Project Collaborators: Who collaborated on this project? Please list all relevant team members and send photos of these people. This is usually other academic staff who contribute to the project.
- Project Team Members: What staff also worked on this project? Please list all relevant team members and send photos of these people. This is usually staff that contributed to the project.

Don't forget to send us your picture!
Used in: Which course is this going to be used in? At which institution? Please provide both the course title and the course code.

Project Components
This section includes information at the module or unit level, not at the project level.
You'll need to provide details for the module overview and any prerequisites as well as the module learning outcomes.

Digital Objects
Digital Objects is a blanket term for all the pieces of your content. This is anything from a PDF instructor guide to an Articulate Storyline module. It's a way to provide access to all the parts of your project, while providing instructions on how to use these objects. Below are the options that we currently offer. Visitor's to the site can use this drop down menu to filter the module content (which can range for a few to hundreds of pieces). Usually, the Education Technology Office Team will upload these materials.
If your content is open access, this is where people can easily access and download your materials.
If you have a file/object not listed, not to worry - just let us know and we'll add the term to this drop down menu.
That's it! You are now very, very familiar with the structure of the projects page on the EdTech Website.