If something arises that means that you are no longer able to continue teaching your course, you might consider granting permission for someone else to have Instructor access to your Quercus course. Administratively, it is taken very seriously that your Quercus course is your intellectual property, and, unless there are very serious circumstances, no access would be granted without your knowledge. You can assist in this process by sharing with your department that you encourage the enrollment of the person (or people) who are continuing your course in your absence.
You can provide access to your course by:
Consider permanent vs temporary access: If this is a long term, official change, it should be reflected in ROSI (via communication with your departmental ROSI administrator). It usually takes 24-48 hours for the change to be reflected in Quercus. If it is a short term, temporary change, you might consider manually adding the person to your course on your own.
1. Grant permission for a new instructor to be added to your course
If you are unsure who will be put in place to continue teaching your course, you can email your department chair (while cc'ing the EdTech Office: fase.edtech@utoronto.ca) and include that you are granting permission for a new Instructor to be assigned to your course.
In your communication, include:
- Course Code
- Course Title
- Email body that specifically details that you grant permission for a new person to be added to your course shell. This text should be edited to capture your situation, specifying if this is blanket permission for anyone who takes over your course (assigned at the departmental level) or for a specific person (if you know who will be taking on the course).
- Optional: Dates of Access, name and UTORid (if known)
Once the request is sent, the EdTech Office can enroll a new person as the Instructor or other member of the teaching team for your course.
2. Add someone manually to your course
If you know who will be taking on the instruction of your course, you could add them to your course manually. This should be done sparingly (students and instructors are usually managed by ROSI assignment)(see "How do I add users to my course?"). It is highly recommended, if possible, that you contact your departmental ROSI administrator and request that the appropriate people be added through official administrative channels before using the manual option.
Not sure who to contact? Look up your departmental ROSI contact!