Support from FASE's Education Technology Office

Learn about their access to technology and views on online/remote learning and technology

Updated on

This short survey can help you understand student expectations, needs, and preferences regarding online instruction. Not only does it provide you with a bit of insight, it allows you to start a conversation about technology. Ideally, this would be distributed early in the course.

Duplicate (and edit) the survey

You can access and duplicate a template version of the survey. It is highly recommended that the wording in the introduction be customized for your voice and your course.

Thanks to Prof. Peter Weiss for modifying and sharing this form. It was based on one designed by Annelise Heinz (University of Oregon), Gray Garmon (University of Texas) & Katie Krummeck (Educational Designer). Some language adapted from Kimberly Rogers (Dartmouth) and Danya Glabau (NYU, Tandon School of Engineering).

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