You may choose to schedule the release of video content within their Quercus course, instead of providing all video content at once.
One method to achieve this is by scheduling the unlocking of a module at an appropriate time and date. Using this method works best when you have a single module dedicated to releasing videos.
If you would like to time release your videos by scheduling File (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.) availability, please see How can I time release videos by scheduling File availability?
Before you can time release your videos, they need to be hosted on a platform, such as Microsoft Stream or MyMedia. We do not recommend uploading videos directly into Quercus due to course size restrictions. For more information on this, please review Which Video Hosting Site is right for you?
In order to add your videos to your Quercus shell, you will need to obtain the video's direct URL on the hosting platform. See How can I copy the direct URL for my video?
To time release videos using unlocking modules within your Quercus course shell:
1. Create Videos Module
Now that you have copied your video's direct URL, log into Quercus and navigate to your course shell.
- Navigate to Modules.
- Create a Module by selecting +Module.
- In the Add Module window, enter a name for your videos module.
- When finished, select "Add Module".
2. Add a Module Item

- To add a module item, select the + button on your Videos module.
2.1. Add Copied URL as External URL

- In the Add dropdown, select "External URL". Note: The default option is Assignments.
- Add the direct video URL copied from your video hosting platform.
- Add a Page Name for your External URL.
- If you would like your video to open in a new window, select "Load in new tab" (recommended).
- Indentations provide extra spacing before the Page Name, used for visual hierarchy in a module
- When finished, select "Add Item".
3. Edit Module

- Select "Edit Module" (depicted as 3 dots).
- Select "Edit".
4. Lock Module until Video Release Date

- To lock the module and it's items until a specific date, checkmark "Lock Until".
- Select the calendar to add a day.
- Select a date and specific time you would like your video content to release.
- After adding a date and time, select "Done".
- When finished, select "Update Module".
5. Confirm Module Lock

- Underneath the Videos module, confirm that the lock date is correct.
6. Publish Modules and Item

To ensure that your Videos module and module items are visible for students, you must publish them. Although the module and items are published, they will not release for students until the unlock date.
- To publish a module, select the No symbol to activate "Publish".
- To publish a module item, select the No symbol on that item to activate "Publish".
7. Navigate Home to Check Student View
To view what your students see, view your course in Student View.
- Select "Home".
- Select "Student View".
8. Confirm Student View
Student view is depicted by a purple box surrounding window
- Confirm that the Video module appears, the module item is greyed out and unavailable, and the correct lock date appears.
- Once finished confirming, you can select "Leave Student View".
Congrats! You have created a Video Module and scheduled the release of your first video.
Adding another video

To add another video to be time released, repeat all of these steps (1-9) but update the Module Lock date to unlock at the next video release date.