When uploading video content to Quercus, the direct video URL is needed to link the video to your course content. Depending on where your video is hosted, either on Microsoft Stream or MyMedia, the direct video URL can be copied from the hosting platform.
To copy the direct URL for your video, navigate to your hosting platform:
1. My videos are hosted on Microsoft Stream
If your videos are on Microsoft Stream:
- Navigate to your Stream via the O365 Waffle Menu
- Select Stream app
- Select your Video
1.2. Select Viewing Permissions
In order for your video to be viewable by others, you must grant them viewing permission:
- Select Share button on the top right corner of the page
- Select Share option
1.2.1. Share video with specific people

If you would like to share a video with specific, you can:
- Add their names or email addresses in Add a name, group, or email field
- Select the eye icon to specify whether they can view or edit the video
- Select Copy link if you'd like to share the link in a message, email or another way
- Alternatively, select Send to send an email with the link
1.3. Share video with Everyone at U of T
This option lets you give access to the video to anyone in the University of Toronto (Faculty, Staff, and Students) considering they are signed into their U of T Microsoft Account.

- Select Gear icon
- Select People in the University of Toronto
- Select Can view to edit viewing settings (Available option: Can view and Can Edit)
- Toggle Block download on if you would like to prevent viewers from downloading the video
- Select Apply
- Select Copy link if you'd like to share the link in a message, email or another way. Alternatively, select Send to send an email with the link
1.4. Share video with anyone
You can share the video with anyone outside of the University of Toronto. Keep in mind that the share link will have an expiration date.

- Select Gear icon
- Select Anyone
- Select Can view to edit viewing settings (Available option: Can view and Can Edit)
- Set Expiration date for the link (up to 2 years)
- Set Password (optional)
- Toggle Block download on if you would like to prevent viewers from downloading the video
- Select Apply
- Select Copy link if you'd like to share the link in a message, email or another way. Alternatively, select Send to send an email with the link
2. My Videos are hosted on MyMedia

If your videos are hosted in MyMedia, log into your MyMedia account, then:
- Select "Share Media".
2.1. Copy the Permanent Play Link

- To get the Permanent Play Link, select "Copy".
Now that you have copied the play link for your video, you can share it in a course module as an External URL. For more details on this, please see How do I upload and embed media from an external source in the New Rich Content Editor as an instructor?