Adapting your in-person, face-to-face course for online/remote teaching can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Do you have enough time? How do you select which course elements to focus on? You might also suffer from resource overload. Does anyone even know what the "perfect" online/remote course looks like? The short answer: no, there's really not.
Each online/remote courses is its own unique mix of content, activity, and assessment, with a mix of modalities. When moving from face-to-face to online/remote on a short timeline remember to focus on the essential learning outcomes. It can still be difficult to take that first step - so let's do it together.
Getting started
- Get started by preparing yourself and developing a plan.
- Discover strategies on how to engage students.
- Think about why you assess, alternative ways to assess learning, and how to select a tool to support your chosen assessment strategy.
- Explore options to develop and share course content (both synchronously and asynchronously by choosing your course modalities).
- Develop a basic familiarity with Quercus and leverage the most commonly used tools (see skip to the quick start guide to teaching online/remotely).
- Your course is not going to look exactly like any other, but you can absolutely learn from your colleagues' experiences (which is why we recommend joining local - and not so local - communities).
Still stumped? Schedule a consultation with the FASE EdTech Office - we can help you generate ideas to begin adapting your course!